Our Services
Who Does VOI Serve?
VOI primarily serves adult and child victims of crime who have reported to law enforcement in one of the seven jurisdictions we serve, but we will assist anyone who has experienced trauma, whether or not as the result of a crime and whether or not they have reported to law enforcement.
Clients include those who have been impacted by any type of violent crime or trauma such as suicide, SIDS death, homicide, fatal car accident, residential fire or natural disaster. VOI also provides limited services to "secondary victims" who might be family members or witnesses who were seriously impacted by the trauma of an incident that did not happen directly to them.
Where Does VOI Serve?
VOI serves all adult and child victims impacted by crime and trauma, including but not limited to domestic violence, sex assault, child abuse, elder abuse, human trafficking, burglary, robbery, and homicide. VOI also provides services to "secondary victims" who might be family members or witnesses who were seriously impacted by the trauma of an incident that did not happen directly to them.
We serve with seven police departments in Jefferson County Colorado, but our services are not limited to those jurisdictions. You do not have to file a police report or have a pending case to receive services.
- City of Arvada
- City of Golden
- City of Edgewater
- Town of Lakeside
- Town of Mountain View
- City of Wheat Ridge
- Colorado School of Mines
VOI also serves victims who request services or are referred to use because they have no local advocate. Our goal is to provide services whenever possible no matter the location or circumstances.
When Does VOI Serve?
Our contact with victims may include one conversation or many and can last from the time of crisis throughout the criminal justice process. We are regularly called to the scene of an incident by law enforcement and work with victims in person. Our goal is to ensure victims are informed of their rights, when applicable, have access to the resources and support they need for their recovery and well-being. Extensive follow-up services are particularly important with victims who continue to experience trauma. For example, continued services are critically important for victims of domestic violence who may be isolated from their natural support systems due to the abuse.
How Does VOI Serve?
VOI serves by providing support services and referrals to area agencies to provide what is needed for safety and healing for each person. We facilitate the development of plans to attain whatever it is that a person reasonably needs. This includes but is not limited to securing basic needs, interceding with employers and other service providers to eventually implement a successful plan for healing and moving forward.
VOI victim advocates have “limited confidentiality”. Advocates do not have confidentiality regarding statements made by victims and witnesses that are related to the case that is being investigated. Additionally, advocates are mandated reporters of child abuse, elder abuse and of concerns that a person is a danger to him/herself or others.
- Assist with Crime Victim Compensation Application
- 24/7 Advocacy hotline
- On-scene response
- Follow-up services
- Crisis intervention
- Risk assessment and safety planning
- Information regarding victims’ rights
- Legal process support
- Referrals and resources
- Assistance to prevent re-victimization
- Victim subsidy and other emergency financial support